- What is Multi-wallet feature?
- How do I sign up for the Multi-wallet feature?
- What is a Master wallet?
- What is a sub-wallet?
- What is a Multi-wallet signup page and URL?
- Can I edit my signup page and dashboard as well as my sub-wallets?
- How do my sub-wallets sign up and complete registration?
- Where can I see the API documents for Multi-wallet?
- If I don't have a platform, app or website can I still use the Multi-wallet feature?
- What are the fees?
- How do I pay?
- Can my sub-wallets payout as well and how do they payout?
- What are the different types of wallets and balances in BUx multi wallet?
- Can I manage the fees being paid to me?
- Is there a limit to the number of sub-wallets I can onboard?
- How to add money to my Master Wallet?
- How can I see my add money history?
- How to transfer money to a sub-wallet account?
- How to transfer money to a multiple sub-wallet account?
- How can I see my received money from sub-wallet accounts?
- How can I see my sub-wallet list?
- How can I test Multi-wallet transactions in a test mode environment?
- Are there limits to transfers between master wallet and sub-wallet?
- What are the limits to add money transactions?
- What are the limits of cash in transactions of sub-wallets?